About me
Shamelessly ambitious
I read those words the other day and thought it was a fantastic statement. That’s me. I am shamelessly ambitious. And I want to grow. When I’m 80 I don’t want to be sitting in my rocking chair thinking, “Hmmm….. was this it…” but “YAAAAA! What was it awesome!!!! I got everything out of life. And didn’t have to ask myself: shouldn’t I have….
Growth is essential to me, I always want to grow further.
I’ll even take you back to 2011. I was interested a lot in nutrition and health. To grow, of course, you need energy, so I wanted to make sure I continued to feel good and stay in my energy. So I bought an online course on this subject. After purchasing that course, I received a number of emails and as I was cheerfully reading them, the realization suddenly came that those emails … that they were just all automated! Brilliant. So that’s possible too? Yaaa!
About me
Shamelessly ambitious
I read those words the other day and thought it was a fantastic statement. That’s me. I am shamelessly ambitious. And I want to grow. When I’m 80 I don’t want to be sitting in my rocking chair thinking, “Hmmm….. was this it…” but “YAAAAA! What was it awesome!!!! I got everything out of life. And didn’t have to ask myself: shouldn’t I have….
Growth is essential to me, I always want to grow further.
I’ll even take you back to 2011. I was interested a lot in nutrition and health. To grow, of course, you need energy, so I wanted to make sure I continued to feel good and stay in my energy. So I bought an online course on this subject. After purchasing that course, I received a number of emails and as I was cheerfully reading them, the realization suddenly came that those emails … that they were just all automated! Brilliant. So that’s possible too? Yaaa!
My love for ActiveCampaign
At that moment, my love for automation was born. I immediately wanted to know everything about it. And since I’m pretty ambitious, I wanted to work with the most efficient and growth-oriented automation program available.
So I dove right in and that’s how I came across my great love: ActiveCampaign.
Talk about shamelessly ambitious, well….
We are a match, ActiveCampaign and I.
A match made in heaven.
I had seen one type of funnel in the courses that I had bought, but there are many more possible forms of funnels. That’s what I started to find out: what can you actually do and what type of company can benefit from what type of funnel. Because that matters.
Meanwhile, I know them all. I know exactly what kind of funnels you can make, how you can expand them and which funnels are suitable for which companies. Because the last thing you want as a company that has an expertise in something is a standard funnel. That’s not going to work.
It’s going to work for you if you create the funnel that fits your company and the people you want to attract.
I had seen one type of funnel in the courses that I had bought, but there are many more possible forms of funnels. That’s what I started to find out: what can you actually do and what type of company can benefit from what type of funnel. Because that matters.
Meanwhile, I know them all. I know exactly what kind of funnels you can make, how you can expand them and which funnels are suitable for which companies. Because the last thing you want as a company that has an expertise in something is a standard funnel. That’s not going to work.
It’s going to work for you if you create the funnel that fits your company and the people you want to attract.
I have now done this for over 100 companies. And they all see enormous growth. That is really cool to see. Because of the customized funnels, these companies see their list of contacts grow and thus also the number of new customers.
They can now also send the right information to the right people in a much more targeted way. As a result, these companies build a much better relationship with the people on their email list.
And that connection between the leads and your business allows you to grow bigger. Which of course leads to much higher sales, because those people are going to buy from you in a very targeted way what you offer them. And the best news of all: This all happens without you having to spend time on it.
Because it runs AUTOMATICALLY!
Just like it happens to me when I buy a healthy food course, I get them all automatically. No one has to do anything for that anymore.
So it saves you a ton of time and it makes you a lot of money. Now more and more companies showed up that I was allowed to work with who all came to the realization, “So, I too can get a lot more out of email marketing?”
From that moment on, it was all of sudden not just about the piece of automation. No, it went beyond that. Suddenly I realized and so the question came to me, “So what else can I get out of it, strategically? How can I make email marketing work even better for the growth of my business?”
Because these companies I work with are also shamelessly ambitious. I love that.
I’m having strategy conversations with them now, I love showing people how email marketing can work even more effectively for them. How about, for example, other processes that can easily be automated as well, like e-learning systems and scheduling calls. What I also show them is how other processes in their businesses are connected. Like their Facebook ads and their websites. Everything hooks together like pinwheels and creates a well-oiled system.
And finally…
because yes, they are shamelessly ambitious and so am I, so what do we want to see?
We want to see that the numbers are going to grow. And with all these automated processes, you can be in control of that.
And I’ll show you how you can get much more out of your numbers and to steer on them much more so that you see them grow.
In the meantime, to ensure the operational work, I started training people.
As a result, there is now a team of VAs behind me who can all do what I can do. And do it for the clients I already have.
Helping automate and grow: our whole team is focused on that.

If I get to spend every day with small and medium sized business owners and show them how to get the most out of their businesses by using a program like ActiveCampaign, then I know 2 things for sure and that is that I:
- will be sitting in my rocking chair at the age of 80 and can say…. “This was really awesome. I got everything out of it and I gave it my all.”
- will be very certain that all business owners I worked with will be sitting in their rocking chairs at 80 and say, “YES! I got everything out of it that I possibly could!”
After all, this is why we do it!
Yvonne Rückert
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